How to Understand the Significance of the Queens of Tarot

In almost all types of cards, the Queens hold significant meanings and positions.  The Queens symbolize power, inner strength, quiet contemplation, abundance, and gentle femininity.  In a standard deck of tarot, the Queens belong to the court cards of the Minor Arcana and each has a specific suit.  It is important to understand the significance of the meaning of the tarot Queens so you can determine how they affect your life.  If you are using free tarot tools on the Internet, then your readings will be more meaningful if you know what the Queens are saying.  

First, there is the Queen of Wands.  This Queen has flowing fiery red hair and sports a glowing golden crown.  She is very confident and comfortable with her position of power which could mean enormous strength.  This Queen demands great attention and she will stare directly at you which signify an aura of self-confidence.  Once the Queen of Wands appears in your spread, the readings are generally positive. If you are using a free tarot utility on the Internet, there is no reader that will tell you the specifics about this Queen.  So once she appeared on your screen, you should be happy because the card is telling you that you have enough confidence and power to face life’s challenges.  

The Queen of Cups has a double meaning if you are particularly seeking advice about love and relationships.  This Queen is a lover and can give good insights about current and coming relationships.  However, the Queen of Cups is generally depicted in a very relaxed manner but her demeanor is almost bordering on despair.  Your love reading therefore can also have two meanings.  First, your present relationship could be a source of comfort or it could also be a source of despair.  The cup she holds might seem too heavy and this could mean that your relationship is burdening your personal life.  

The Queens of Swords and Pentacles symbolize youthful vigor and wealth respectively.  The Queen of Swords is a young woman but it is obvious from her contemplations that she already endured enough.  This could mean that you need reassurance and support so you can realize your full potential as an individual.  The Queen of Pentacles on the other hand shows great wealth, generosity, and vast resources of material possessions.  When this card shows in your spread, it could mean that you will enjoy material gains from your ventures.   The Queen of Pentacles also means achievement or the successful resolution of things.  It could mean marriage or you can accumulate lots of friends that will make you happier.  

It is very enjoyable to use free tarot card tools on the Internet.  A free tarot reading would be very convenient for you also.  Make sure that you will understand the meanings of the Queens of tarot so you can accurately read the cards that will be shown on your screen.  Although online tarot utilities will provide the meaning of the cards, it is still best to understand what the Queens are communicating in order to get good advices from the cards.

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Learn how to interpret life’s challenges and transformations through Tarot reading. Visit our website now and take a peek into your future by using our online Free Tarot reading tools.

Article Source: - How to Understand the Significance of the Queens of Tarot

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